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Oxford Methodist Circuit

Tackley Methodist Church is in a village of approximately 1,000 people 10 miles north of Oxford. We have a membership of 12 and most members live in the village. Our Sunday morning worship embraces a range of styles, including Café Church once a quarter. We also have a thriving 'Messy Church' on a Saturday afternoon once a month. This has attracted an enthusiastic following of mainly younger mums and children. We have a good relationship with the parish church through regular meetings and a variety of joint activities.

Our church is actively involved in the local community through running a weekly coffee morning and a monthly film night (known as FEATURES ), and by hosting other village activities such as the village choir. Our film nights, on the second Sunday of the month at 7pm, show films in the church using a high-definition, surround-sound system, and we also occasionally show films on Saturdays or Sundays to cater for our teenage and family audiences. Proceeds from these film nights go to help a whole range of charities.

tackley exterior
tackley interior
tackley millenniumwindowl
tackley millenniumwindowr

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Registered Charity No. 1134618

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Oxford Methodist Circuit
01865 243216

Circuit Office
Wesley Memorial Church
New Inn Hall Street

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© 2025 – Oxford Methodist Circuit