Safeguarding our children and young people, as well as vulnerable adults, is an essential element of what it means to be church. All our churches have safeguarding policies and take the recruitment and training of those working with vulnerable people seriously. For those in leadership roles, that means the appropriate CRB checks. For those in supporting roles, all are now required by the Methodist Connexion to have undertaken the "Creating Safer Space" training, which is designed to raise awareness of the importance of safeguarding and the issues involved. Here is our Safeguarding Policy.
These pages contain a variety of useful material, including the powerpoint slides from the "Creating Safer Space" presentation and other items which might be of interest. Each church has a designated safeguarding officer who should be the first point of contact in case of any concerns. Our Circuit Safeguarding Officer, who can always be contacted should you have any queries, is Alison Matthews.
Age UK
Elderly care advice
Support for children and young people
Churches Agency for Safeguarding
DBS Checks and Safeguarding Advice
Elder Abuse
Working to protect, and prevent the abuse of, vulnerable older adults
Caring for those with learning disabilities
Working to end cruelty to children
Parents Protect
Raising awareness about child sexual abuse
Safeguarding in the Methodist Church
Safeguarding Material from the national Methodist Church website
Oxford Methodist Circuit
01865 243216
Circuit Office
Wesley Memorial Church
New Inn Hall Street