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Lay Staff


The circuit currently employs five lay members of staff to further its work.

Mel McCulloch

Mel is the Children's, Families' and Outreach Worker at Wesley Memorial Church, and also supports the development of youth and children's work across the circuit.

Libby Hawkness-Smith

Libby is a Community Chaplain and Outreach Worker in the circuit. She is working at Cowley Road Methodist Church.

Liz Spain

Liz Spain is Community Chaplain at Rose Hill Methodist Church.

Jo Godfrey

Jo is the Circuit Administrator, and PA to the Superintendent. Contact her by email: office@oxfordmethodists.org.uk

Ruth Leach

Ruth is the PA to some of our circuit staff.

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Registered Charity No. 1134618

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Oxford Methodist Circuit
01865 243216

Circuit Office
Wesley Memorial Church
New Inn Hall Street

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